
Showing 17-32 of 331 results

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2014 Micro-spectroscopic characterization of ferroelectric domain structures in Yb3+: LiNbO3 prepared by electron beam writing

 Optical Material Express, 4, 1077-1087 

Author(s): Luis Mateos, Luisa E. Bausá, Mariola O Ramírez,
2014 VUV-UV 5d-4f interconfigurational transitions of Nd3+ in BaMgF4 ferroelectric crystals

 Journal of Luminescence, 153, 136–139

Author(s): M. Trevisani, K.V. Ivanovskikh, M.O. Ramírez, P. Molina, E.G. Víllora, K. Shimamura, L.E Bausá, M. Bettinelli,
2014 Blue SHG Enhancement by Silver Nanocubes Photochemically Prepared on a RbTiOPO4 Ferroelectric Crystal

 Advanced Materials, 26, 6447–6453

Author(s): Laura Sánchez-García, Mariola O. Ramírez, Pablo Molina, Francisco Gallego-Gómez, Luis Mateos, Eduardo Yraola, Joan J. Carvajal, Magdalena Aguiló, Francesc Díaz, Carmen De Las Heras, Luisa E. Bausá,
2013 Selective plasmon enhancement of the 1.08 μm Nd3+ laser Stark transition by tailoring Ag nanoparticles chains on a Y-cut PPLN

Nano Letters, 13, 4931

Author(s): P. Molina, E.Yraola, M. O Ramírez, J. L. Plaza, C. de las Heras, L. E. Bausá,
2013 Spontaneous Emission and Nonlinear Response Enhancements by Silver Nanoparticles in Nd3+ doped Periodically Poled LiNbO3 Laser Crystal

Advanced Materials, 25, 910

Author(s): E. Yraola, P. Molina, J. L. Plaza, M. O Ramírez, L. E. Bausá,
2013 Multimetal Rare-Earth MOFs for lightening and thermometry: tailoring color and optimal temperature range through enhanced disulfobenzoic triplet phosphorescence

Journal of Material Chemistry C 1 (39), 6316 – 6324

Author(s): Richard F. D'Vries, Susana Alvarez-Garcıa, Natalia Snejko, Luisa E. Bausá, Enrique Gutierrez-Puebla, Alicia de Andres, M. Angeles Monge,
2013 2D ferroelectric domain patterns in Yb3+ optically active LiNbO3 fabricated by direct electron beam writing

 Applied Physics Letters 102, 042910

Author(s): L. Mateos, L.E. Bausá, M.O Ramírez,
2013 Ultrabroadband generation of multiple concurrent nonlinear coherent interactions in random quadratic media

Applied Physics Letters, 101, 101101

Author(s): L. Mateos, P. Molina, J. Galisteo, C. López, L. E. Bausá, M. O Ramírez,
2013 Pr3 +-Based Fluorescent TiO2 Split Ring Resonator-Like Crystalline Microstructures

Science of Advanced Materials, 5, 921-926

Author(s): Mariola O Ramírez, Pablo Molina, Luis Mateos, S. Turczynski, M. Kaczkan, M. Malinowski, D. A. Pawlak, Luisa E. Bausá,
2013 Effects of Tm3+ Additions on the Crystallization of LaF3 Nanocrystals in Oxyfluoride Glasses: Optical Characterisation and Up-Conversion

 Journal of the America Ceramic Society 2, 447-457

Author(s): Pablos-Martín, D. Ristic, S.Bhattacharyya, Th. Höche, G.C. Mather, M.O Ramírez, S. Soria, M. Ferrari, G.C. Righini, L.E. Bausá, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual,
2013 Narrow inhomogeneous and homogeneous linewidth in a rare earth doped transparent ceramic

Physical Review B, 87, 041102(R)

Author(s): A. Ferrier, C. Thiel, B. Tumino, M. O. Ramírez, L. E. Bausá, R. Cones, A. Ikesue, Ph. Goldner,
2012 Local environment of optically active Nd3+ ions in the ultratransparent BaMgF4 ferroelectric crystal

Physical Review B, 85, 184110

Author(s): J. E. Muñoz-Santiuste, H. Loro, R. Marino, Ph. Goldner, V. Vasyliev, E.G. Víllora, K. Shimamura, P. Molina, M. O Ramírez, L.E. Bausá,
2012 Simultaneous generation of second to fifth harmonic conical beams in a two dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal

Optics Express, 20, 29940

Author(s): L. Mateos, P. Molina, J. Galisteo, C. López, L. E. Bausá, M. O Ramírez,
2012 Infrared to visible up conversion energy transfer confined at ordered micro-ring structures

Optical Materials, 34, 2035-2040

Author(s): L. Mateos, J.V. García-Santizo, P. Molina, P.J. Derén, M.O. Ramírez, L.E. Bausá,
2011 Faraday rotator properties of {Tb3}[Sc1.95Lu0.05](Al3)O12, a highly transparent terbium-garnet for visible-infrared optical isolators

Applied Physics Letters, 99, 011111

Author(s): E.G Villora, P. Molina, V. Vasyliev, K. Shimamura.,
2011 Multifunctional solid state lasers based on ferroelectric crystals

Optical Materials, 19, 11786-11791

Author(s): M. O Ramírez, P. Molina, L. E. Bausá,

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