
Showing 129-144 of 331 results

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2006 Thermal hysteresis in the luminiscence of Yb3+ ions in strontium barium niobate
Reference: Phys. Rev. B 73, 035119-1
Author(s): J. García Solé, L.E. Bausá, I. Ivleva, A. Speghini, M. Bettinelli, M. O. Ramírez,
2006 Continuous wave diode pumped Yb:Glass laser with near 90 % slope efficiency
Reference: Applied Physics Letters. 89, 121101
Author(s): C. Jacinto, D. Jaque, J.C. Lagomaciny, T. Catunda,
2006 Bistable chromatic switching in Yb3+ -doped NdPO4 crystals
Reference: Phys. Rev. B 74, 35106-1
Author(s): A. Ródenas, M. Bettinelli, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, J. García Solé, E. Cavalli,
2006 Intrinsic fluorescence quantum efficiency of the Yb:MgO:LiNbO3 laser system determined by intracavity thermal loading measurements
Reference: Appl. Phys Lett. 89, 09122
Author(s): M.O. Ramírez, D. Jaque, L.E Bausá,
2006 Spectroscopic characterization of the Tm3+ Kla(WO4)2 single crystals
Reference: Optical Materials, 28, 980-987
Author(s): J. Hanuza, J. García Solé, D. Jaque, L. Macalik,
2006 High pressure induce ferroelectric phase transition in the Yb3+:Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 crystal at helium liquid temperature
Reference: Physical Review B 74, 174113
Author(s): M.O Ramírez, S. Kobyakov, L.E. Bausá, A. Kaminska, J. García Solé, A. Suchocki,
2006 Wide infrared and visible tunability from a Nd3+ :Ba2NaNbO15 self-frequency-converter disordered laser crystal
Reference: J. Appl. Phys. 99, 026105
Author(s): J. García Solé, A. Ródenas, M.O. Ramírez, D. Jaque, A.A. Kaminskii,
2006 Bistable Luminescence of Trivalent Rare-Earth Ions in Crystals
Reference: J. Luminescence 119-120, 314-317
Author(s): M. Bettinelli, E. Cavalli, J. García Solé, D. Jaque, L. Ivleva, A. Ródenas, A. Speghini, M. O. Ramírez, L.E. Bausá,
2006 Optical distortions thorough phase transition in a Nd:SBN laser crystal
Reference: Applied Physics Letters. 88, 161116
Author(s): C. Jacinto, D.Jaque, J. García Solé,
2006 Passive Q-Switching of a diode pumped Nd:CGGG crystal: Benefits of inhomogeneous line broadening and short pulse generation
Reference: Optical Materials. 28, 408
Author(s): M.Montes, C. de las Heras, D.Jaque,
2006 Bistable luminescence of trivalent rare-earth ions in crystals
Reference: Journal of Luminescence. 74, 035106
Author(s): E. Cavalli, M.O. Ramírez, M. Bettinelli, A. Ródenas, J. García Solé, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, L. Bausá, L. Ivleva,
2006 Bistable luminescence of Trivalent Rare Earth ions in crystals
Reference: Journal of Luminescence 119-120, 314-317
Author(s): E. Cavalli, M. O Ramírez, M. Bettinelli, A. Ródenas, J. García-Solé, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, L. Bausá, L. Ivleva,
2006 Wide infrared and visible tunability from a Nd3+:Ba2NaNbO15 self-frequency-converter disordered laser crystal
Reference: J. Applied Physics. 99, 026105
Author(s): J. García Solé, M.O. Ramírez, A. Ródenas, D.Jaque, A.A. Kaminskii,
2006 Femtosecond laser induced micro-modifications in Nd:SBN crystals: amorphization and luminescence inhibition
Reference: Journal of Applied Physics. 100, 113517
Author(s): P. Moreno, I. Arias, D. Jaque, A. Ródenas, G Torchia, L. Roso, C. Mendez, F. Agulló-Rueda,
2006 Optical investigations of femtosecond induced microstress in LiNbO3 crystals.
Reference: Journal of Applied Physics. 100, 033521
Author(s): L. Rossa, C. Mendez, J.A. Sanz García, A. Ródenas, D.Jaque, I. Arias, G.Torchia, F. Agulló Rueda,
2006 Optical properties of trivalent rare earth ions around the ferro-paraelectric transition in SBN crystals
Reference: Ferroelectrics 337, 33-39
Author(s): M.O. Ramírez, A. Speghini, D. Jaque, J. García-Solé, L.E. Bausá, M. Bettinelli,

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