Publications by Mariola Ramirez

Showing 17-32 of 97 results

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2012 Simultaneous generation of second to fifth harmonic conical beams in a two dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal

Optics Express, 20, 29940

Author(s): L. Mateos, P. Molina, J. Galisteo, C. López, L. E. Bausá, M. O Ramírez,
2011 Multifunctional solid state lasers based on ferroelectric crystals

Optical Materials, 19, 11786-11791

Author(s): M. O Ramírez, P. Molina, L. E. Bausá,
2011 Optical spectroscopy of Yb3+ centers in BaMgF4 ferroelectric crystal

Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 063102

Author(s): J.V. García-Santizo, B. del Rosal, M.O Ramírez, L.E Bausá, E.G Villora, P. Molina, V. Vasyliev, K. Shimamura,
2010 Arrays of micro-cavities activated with laser ions

Journal of luminescence, 131, 382-385

Author(s): J.V.García-Santizo, L. Mateos, P. Molina, M. O Ramírez, K. Lemanski, W. Strek, P. J. Deren, L. E. Bausá,
2010 Directional dependence of the second harmonic response in two dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals

Applied Physics Letters 96, 261111

Author(s): P. Molina, M. O Ramírez, L.E. Bausá, B. J. García,
2010 Neodymium doping in UV-IR transparent ferroelectric BaMgF4

Journal of Applied Physics. 107, 033106

Author(s): E. G. Villora, P. Molina, S. Alvarez, J. V. Garcia Santizo, M.O Ramírez, K. Shimamura, L. E. Bausá,
2010 Rare earth doped ring-shaped luminescent micro-composites on patterned ferroelectrics
Reference: Optics Express 18, 18269
Author(s): J.V. García-Santizo, P. Molina, P.J. Derén, M.O. Ramírez, W. Strek, K. Lemansky, L.E. Bausá,
2010 Tm3+ doped oxy-fluoride glass-ceramics containing NaLaF4 nano-crystals

Optical Materials, 33, 180-185

Author(s): L.E Bausá, M.O. Ramírez, A. de Pablos-Martín, A. Durán, M.J. Pascual,
2009 Effect of electron beam writing parameters for ferroelectric domain structuring LiNbO3:Nd3+
Reference: Optical Materials, 31, 1777-1780
Author(s): J. García Solé, P. Molina, M.O. Ramírez, L.E. Bausá,
2009 Magnon Sidebands in Bismuth Ferrite Probed by Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
Reference: Physical Review B, 79, 224106
Author(s): O. Auciello, A. Kumar, S. Lee, S.A. Denev, J.Orenstein, N. Podraza, S.W. Cheong, Y.H. Chu, D.G. Schlom, J. Seidel, M.O. Ramírez, L. Martin, J. Klug, S-Y. Yang, M. Bedzyk, R. C. Rai, J.L. Musfeldt, J.F. Ihlefeld, R. Ramesh, E. Saiz, V. Gopalan,
2009 Micrometric spatial control of rare earth ion emission in LiNbO3: A two- dimensional multicolor array
Reference: Applied Physics Letters, 95, 051103
Author(s): P. J. Deren, R. Pazik, M.O. Ramírez, P.Molina, S. Álvarez-García, W. Strek, J.V Garcia Santizo, L.E. Bausá,
2009 Nonlinear prism based on the natural ferroelectic domain structure in calcium barium niobate
Reference: Applied Physics Letters, 94, 071111-1-071111-3
Author(s): Jiyang Wang, S. Álvarez-García, Huaijin Zhang, M.O. Ramírez, P. Molina, J. García Solé, Wenlan Gao, L.E. Bausá, Minhua Jiang,
2009 Spin-charge-lattice coupling through resonant multi-magnon excitation in multiferroic BiFeO3
Reference: Applied Physics Letters, 94, 161905
Author(s): O. Auciello, A. Kumar, S. Lee, S.A. Denev, J.Orenstein, N. Podraza, S.W. Cheong, Y.H. Chu, D.G. Schlom, J. Seidel, M.O. Ramírez, L. Martin, J. Klug, S-Y. Yang, M. Bedzyk, R. C. Rai, J.L. Musfeldt, J.F. Ihlefeld, R. Ramesh, E. Saiz, V. Gopalan,
2008 Lanthanide doped Strontium Barium Niobate: Optical spectroscopy and local structure at the impurity sites
Reference: J. Alloyds and Compounds, Vol 451/1-2, 12-17
Author(s): J. García Solé, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, M. Daldoso, P. Ghina, L.E. Bausá, M.O. Ramírez, M. Bettinelli,
2008 Linear and non-linear optical properties of BiFeO3
Reference: Applied Physics Letters 92, 121915
Author(s): J.Musfeldt, D. Schlom, R. Rai, T. Heeg, N. Podraza, R. Ramesh, S. Denev, A. Kumar, M.O. Ramírez, J.Schubert, Y. Chu, J. Orenstein, L. Martin, R. Collins, J. Ihlefeld, V. Gopalan,
2008 Luminescence of Rare Earth ions in Strontium Barium Niobate around the phase transition: the case of Tm3+ ions
Reference: Ferroelectrics 363, 150-162
Author(s): M. Bettinelli, P. Molina, C.Zaldo, M O Ramírez, U. Caldiño, D. Jaque, L. Ivleva, L.E. Bausá, J. García Solé,