Publications by Mariola Ramirez

Showing 49-64 of 97 results

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2006 Wide infrared and visible tunability from a Nd:BNN self-frequency-converter disordered laser crystal
Reference: Journal of Applied Physics. 99, 026105
Author(s): D.Jaque, A. Ródenas, M.O. Ramírez, J.García Solé,
2007 All-optical modulation of laser light in amorphous silicon-filed microstructured optical fibers
Reference: Applied Physics Letters 90, 161112
Author(s): J. Badding, N.F. Baril, M.O. Ramírez, D.J Won, H. Kang, J. Calkins, V. Gopalan, P.J. Sazio,
2007 Luminescence of lanthanide ions in strontium barium niobate
Reference: Journal of Luminescence 122-123, 307-310
Author(s): L.E. Bausá, A. Speghini, B. Capote, A. Ródenas, M. Bettinelli, P. Molina, D. Jaque, M. Ramírez, J.García Solé,
2007 Nd3+ ions shift under domains inversion by electron beam writing in LiNbO3
Reference: Applied Physics Letters 90, 141901
Author(s): P. Molina, B. J.García, J. García Solé, D. Sarkar, J. E. Muñoz Santiuste, M.O. Ramírez, L.E. Bausá,
2007 Photoluminescence of Bi4Si3O12:Er3+ crystal excited in the commercial laser diode emission region
Reference: Optical Materials 29, 605
Author(s): J. García Solé, A. Lira, M.O. Ramírez, U. Caldiño,
2007 Probability of Yb3+ 4f-4f transitions in gadolinium gallium garnet crystals at high hydrostatic pressures
Reference: Physical Review B 75, 174111
Author(s): A.Kaminska, S. Biernacki, M.O. Ramírez, S. Kobyakov, G. Boulon, A. Suchocki, L.E. Bausá,
2007 Spectroscopy of Gadolinium Gallium Garnet doped with Yb3+ ions at ambient and high hydrostatic pressures
Reference: Phys. Rev. B, 75, 174111
Author(s): A.A Kaminska, S. Biernacki, M.O. Ramírez, S. Kobyakov, G. Boulon, A.Suchocki, L.E Bausá,
2007 Two dimensional dynamic focusing of laser light by ferroelectric domain based electro-optic lenses
Reference: Applied Physics Letters 90, 201106
Author(s): M. Krishmanurti, M.O. Ramírez, J. Thomas, S. Denev, T. Lehecka, V. Gopalan, Q.X Jia,
2008 Lanthanide doped Strontium Barium Niobate: Optical spectroscopy and local structure at the impurity sites
Reference: J. Alloyds and Compounds, Vol 451/1-2, 12-17
Author(s): J. García Solé, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, M. Daldoso, P. Ghina, L.E. Bausá, M.O. Ramírez, M. Bettinelli,
2008 Linear and non-linear optical properties of BiFeO3
Reference: Applied Physics Letters 92, 121915
Author(s): J.Musfeldt, D. Schlom, R. Rai, T. Heeg, N. Podraza, R. Ramesh, S. Denev, A. Kumar, M.O. Ramírez, J.Schubert, Y. Chu, J. Orenstein, L. Martin, R. Collins, J. Ihlefeld, V. Gopalan,
2008 Luminescence of Rare Earth ions in Strontium Barium Niobate around the phase transition: the case of Tm3+ ions
Reference: Ferroelectrics 363, 150-162
Author(s): M. Bettinelli, P. Molina, C.Zaldo, M O Ramírez, U. Caldiño, D. Jaque, L. Ivleva, L.E. Bausá, J. García Solé,
2008 Luminescence of Rare Earth ions in Strontium Barium Niobate around the phase transition: The case of Tm3+ ions. Ferroelectrics
Reference: Vol. 363, 150-162
Author(s): M. Bettinelli, P. Molina, C. Zaldo, M. O. Ramírez, U. Caldiño, D. Jaque, L. Ivleva, L.E. Bausá, J. García Solé,
2008 Nd -> Yb resonant energy transfer in the ferroelectric SBN laser cristal
Reference: Physical Review B. 77, 075121
Author(s): M.O. Ramírez, D.Jaque, U. Caldiño, E. Martín Rodriguez, J. García Solé,
2008 Nd3+ -> Yb3+ resonant energy transfer in the ferroelectric Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 laser crystal
Reference: Phys. Rev. B 77, 75121-1
Author(s): U. Caldiño, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, E. Martín-Rodríguez, J. García Solé, M.O. Ramírez, M. Bettinelli,
2008 Nd3+-Yb3+ resonant energy transfer in the ferroelectric Sr0.6Ba0.4Nb2O6 laser crystal
Reference: Phys. Rev. B, 77, 075121
Author(s): U. Caldiño, D. Jaque, A. Speghini, E. Martín-Rodríguez, J. García Solé, M.O. Ramírez, M. Bettinelli,
2008 Selective rearrangement of Nd3+ centers in LiNbO3 under ferroelectric domain inversion by electron beam writing
Reference: Physical Review B 78, 014114
Author(s): J. García Solé, M.O Ramírez, P.Molina, B.J. García, L.E. Bausá,